

Broadway loving Esta (mother) and Aaron (son) sing the praise for Apple TV+’s new series.


ESTA: SCHMIGADOON! is must-see TV for anyone who has a Broadway musical soul. It is cleverly written and filled with huge, entertaining ensemble numbers. And the cast is sublime! So many established, creative, talented actors all together in one small, dream-like village.

AARON: Thank you, mom, for giving me the theatre-loving gene. Because of you, I’m a sucker for a good musical. SCHMIGADOON! is not just the best musical of the year; it’s also one of the best TV shows of 2021.

ESTA: Awwww. 💜


AARON: E3 gave me “That Skinner Feeling” as the characters attempted to CROSS THAT BRIDGE. Yet, my favorite has to be E6. In the divided U.S., the SCHMIGADOON! finale showed what it would take for people to change. With a bit of song, dance, and of course, we will have to “reinvent and reexamine.”

ESTA: My favorite episode has to be E1 “SCHMIGADOON!” It’s the one that hooked me on the series. It made me laugh out loud so many times with all of its references to musical theatre. I couldn’t stop raving about it. I still am.


AARON: Sadly, my least favorite episode was E5 TRIBULATION. The songs fell flat, and it quickly became a “doggy-doggy” world.

ESTA: Agree. Just as the show was hitting its stride, it hit some “strife and tribulation” heading into the showstopping finale.


ESTA: I can’t pick just one. Here are my top two:
SCHMIGADOON! – The opening number, SCHMIGADOON! when they first arrived. I just loved the parody to OKLAHOMA. It was a huge musical extravaganza!
VA-GI-NA – When Melissa explained sex to the pregnant couple using the DO-RE-MI melody in VA-GI-NA, it was a hoot!!!! And very clever and creative. Something you would never expect.
AARON: I never thought I would be co-authoring a review with my mom where she says a song about a vagina is her favorite 😂. Since you did a top two, I’ll do the same.
CORN PUDDIN’ – The funniest song in the series. The euphemisms and melody are hysterical. And yes, “We want corn puddin’.”
CROSS THAT BRIDGE – I’ll meet you on the other side of this “metaphor.” Jazz hands and clapping are required.
There’s no sense in explaining any more praise for Season 1 of SCHMIGADOON! on Apple TV+. If you haven’t watched, it’s “what and where and why and when and how” you should be spending your free time.

Aaron "Dobler" Goldstein

Aaron Goldstein is a Product Manager by day, ludicrous speed content consumer by night. He’s a LA Film School Alumni and TV Academy / Producers Guild of America member. Aaron is a proud parent and dad joke enthusiast.

Esta Rosevear

Esta Rosevear has been a Theatre Arts teacher and director for 35+ years, published Children’s author of the Rebecca series, and is passionate about playing her violin, walking, gardening, and reading murder mysteries.

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